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We each hold our piece of the puzzle…

Anyone who has a worked on a puzzle can likely relate to this.  You can pick up a piece of the puzzle and hold it in your hand, you know where it might belong in the overall picture, but until other pieces are in place it won’t fit in.  

Sometimes life seems to be that way… we know where we want to be, we know where we might belong, but we are not feeling connected yet  Some little piece is still missing. 

At times it can be so very frustrating.  We are anxiously waiting to move forward. But something is missing… something is not quite in place yet.

Sometimes it has nothing at all to do with us and our ‘readiness’ for things to fall in to place.  In the overall picture of life, our small piece of the puzzle may not fully connect to the big picture until someone or something else in in place.  Then, all of sudden… things click and we are surrounded by the right people or the right circumstances, at the right time, and everything connects as it should.  


Going a Step Further...

Download the free journal page. Put your thoughts on paper about a ‘puzzle piece’ experience you had (or observed in someone else’s life).  What were you waiting for?  What finally happened to make it transpire and have the pieces fall in to place?  What other pieces had to fall in to place before your piece fit?  How do you think the situation may have turned out if you had rushed or forced the process?  


Lord, there is much I don’t understand.  Often I feel things are out of control or that you are not hearing my prayers.

Keep me mindful, Lord, that my small piece of the puzzle may not fit in to place unti many other pieces are in place.

Remind me that only when I have an ‘aerial’ view of the finished picture, will I be able to understand where my piece fits into the larger picture.

Until then Lord, fill me with a peaceful spirit while I trust in you and wait on your timing.


Searching for more inspiration? 

We offer 31 Days of Inspirations and Prayers in 5 different design options and two different formats.  There are printable quote cards and prayers of encouragement as well as printable journal sets.  These sets were created to provide encouragement and hope to anyone who is going through a time of change, loss or struggle.  You can access the full printable sets by clicking on any of the photos below.  

Each set contains 31 different inspirational quotes and prayers of encouragement.  You just need to choose the design and format that speaks to you