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Strength Grows…

When you think you can’t do one more late night of caring for a sick child… but you keep going.   When you don’t think you have the energy for one more chemo treatment… but you keep going.  When you are just steps away from finishing a marathon and you think you can’t go any further… but keep going.  When you feel defeated and want to give up on your dreams…. but you keep going.  Strength grows in those moments.  We may be left physically, emotionally or mentally exhausted, but spiritually we are stronger.  We have kept going when we thought we could not.  

Sometimes the victory comes, not in the winning, but in the determination and perseverance that has grown inside of us.  

What if the motivation to keep going isn’t right in front of us to push us on?  A sick child, a life saving treatment, a finish line… those are tangible motivations that we can see – that drive us to keep going.  It may be hard, but the ‘why’ is right in front of us, urging us on.

But…what about those times when you have been prompted by God to step out in faith… into uncertainty? How do you keep going when the path seems long and, quite possibly, lonely?

Trust and obey.  

This has become my focus over the past few months.  Admittedly, both do not come easy to me. Some days are easier than others… some moments are easier than others.  I am ‘doing’ what I feel led to do, yet I am not seeing the results.  Will I ever see the results?  And if I do, will they be the results that I want and hope for?  Truly, God only knows.  

What I know is that I can trust Him and His plans for me… I can talk to Him and share my hopes and dreams and my weariness and uncertainty… and I can do what He asks me to do, grudgingly or with an attitude of worshipful abandonment.  And when I get to that place in my spirit that I can choose the latter, strength grows.


What if for today our prayer was this...

“Lord, help me this day with your strength…Fill me with determination and strength of purpose for what needs to be done.  And when I think that I can’t go on, encourage me to take just one more step. Let me look back on this day with the joy that comes from knowing that I gave it my all and did more than I thought was possible.


Download the free journal page to journal about your own area of challenge.  What are you faced with that you are struggling to finish or keep going with?  What, or who, is motivating you to keep going?  What are some ways you can adjust your perspective on the challenge? 

Can you recall a time when you felt that you could not keep going, but you did?  Looking back, can you see how that has helped you to grow? 

Searching for more inspiration? 

We offer 31 Days of Inspirations and Prayers in 5 different design options and two different formats.  There are printable quote cards and prayers of encouragement as well as printable journal sets.  These sets were created to provide encouragement and hope to anyone who is going through a time of change, loss or struggle.  You can access the full printable sets by clicking on any of the photos below.  

Each set contains 31 different inspirational quotes and prayers of encouragement.  You just need to choose the design and format that speaks to you.