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And so it begins… Create. Encourage. Inspire.

Just BeCause Creations is a pandemic project… my positive focus during this uncertain time.

Creating this website has been on my “I have to do this” list for a long while. I often joked to friends that I needed a month or two of solitude to focus on getting the website up and running. I did some serious praying to God for the time to focus on it. Prayer answered in a most unexpected way.

Some people are tying to encourage others through this pandemic by suggesting that we are all in the same boat. Someone wisely corrected that, pointing out that we are all on the same ocean, but we are not all in the same boat.

There is no doubt in my mind that my boat trip is very different from that of others. My circumstances and personality have let me cope well with this situation … for the most part. While there is an incredible ache of missing time with family and close friends, there is an incredible sense of peace and contentment with this time at home to focus on a project that feeds my soul. I know that it is not so with everyone and perhaps this project will, in turn, be able to provide inspiration and encouragement to others. I truly hope so.

To begin, printable creations are being offered through the Just BeCause Shop. There are prints of hand drawn designs, monogram letters and inspirational quotes … all ready to be downloaded, printed and enjoyed by you!

Please browse through our online store… feel encourage through designs, colours and words…

Follow us on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook and check back often!! I have a head full of ideas and the need to create! 

