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Grant me the serenity…


Do you ever find yourself fighting against something or someone who simply cannot be changed by you?

A wayward child or spouse, a toxic workmate, a pandemic, a hurricane, the death of a loved one.

There are times when, no matter how hard we try or hope or pray, change does not happen.  It won’t or it can’t.  Why?  Because ‘we’ are not in control of everything and everyone else.  


Then there are times when change is within our grasp – we need to have courage and step forward and make the change, embrace the change, be the change. 

We cannot control the actions of others.  We can’t control the weather or disease or tragedy… but… we are always responsible for our responding actions and reactions. Always.  We can establish boundaries or remove ourselves from toxic or harmful relationships.  We can choose the attitude with which we will weather the storms.  We can change our habits and our perspectives.  

And most importantly, although we may not like what we are going through one little bit, we can trust that God has a plan and a purpose that is unfolding and seek His wisdom on what we are to do.  

Going a Step Further...

Download the free journal sheet (and 4 x 6 print of the quote) and take time to journal about a situation in your life that you would like to change.  Focus on the lines of quote and ask yourself what is possible for you to change?  Do you need courage to make a change or wisdom and strength to take your hands off the situations and release the outcome to God.  

Whatever your situation I pray that you find peace of spirit as you move forward. 

A prayer for today...

Fill me with serenity, Lord, to know that there are some things that I cannot change, so matter how hard I might wish or pray.  I have to let go and trust that you are working out all things for good.  But Lord, there are things I can change… my habits, attitudes and perspective.  I cannot control the actions of others but I am in control of how I choose to react.  I may not be able to affect a change in others but I can determine who a change affects me.  Give me the wisdom, I pray, to know the difference in each situation.


Searching for more inspiration?

We offer 31 Days of Inspirations and Prayers in 5 different design options.  These sets were created to provide encouragement and hope to anyone who is going through a time of change, loss or struggle.  You can access the printables by clicking on any of the photos of our different sets.  Each set contains 31 different inspirational quotes and prayers of encouragement.  You just need to choose the design that speaks to you! 

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Don’t wait for the perfect moment…

I struggle with this every day… over and over again!  I want things to be right and correct and perfect.  

I want people to be kind, I want pictures to be straightened, I want to feel completely ‘ready’ before I start a new project.  And sometimes, if I know I can’t do something well, I won’t even do it at all.  

Striving to do your best and to be the best version of yourself is not a bad thing.  The challenge comes in allowing yourself to be so consumed with perfection that you miss out on the joy of the learning, the growing, the failing and picking yourself back up to try again.

There are hidden treasures too in the unscripted moments of life.  The times when we thought our plans fell through or fell apart and we discovered the nugget of a hidden blessing.  

Covid brought a lot of our plans to a screeching halt… but it also provided us with many opportunities to grow and adapt and connect in ways that we never thought possible.  We developed new found appreciations for things that we previously took for granted and new found respect for many professions that we had previously not taken too much notice of. 

When we can let go of the need for waiting for the perfect moment, we are freed up to enjoy the moment as it is, to embrace it and make it perfect.  

Really all we have it ‘now’… the present moment… Treat it as the gift that it is!

Print off the free journal sheet and take a few minutes to write down a memory of a time when an ‘imperfect’ moment turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Also included with the free journal sheet is a printable 4 x 6 card of the verse above. 

Going a Step Further:

Commit to being present in each moment today … letting go of expectations and allowing the day to unfold before you like a gift to be opened, one sweet moment at a time! 




What if, for today, our prayer was this: 

Lord, so many times I focus on the ‘imperfect’ in the moment…maybe it’s a big thing or maybe it is just a small distraction.  But I miss opportunities and joy because I am waiting for perfection.

Lord, help me to savor each moment as it is…to see it through your eyes…to realize that through you, it is perfect just the way it is.


Looking for more Inspiration?

We offer 31 Days of Inspiration and Prayers in 5 different design options.  These sets were created to provide encouragement and hope to anyone who is going through a time of change, loss or struggle.  You can access the Printables by clicking on any photo of our different sets.  Each set contains 31 different inspirational quotes and prayers of encouragement.  You just need to choose the design that speaks to you! 

Will you be ‘present’ in each moment today?! 

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Be Grateful for what you have…

Every day we take something for granted. Most often unaware we are even doing so.

Getting out of bed in the morning means that we have a bed to sleep in. Having a shower means that we have running water. Standing in line for groceries means we can afford to eat. Having to change the toilet paper roll means we have access to indoor plumbing.

These are the very things that someone else may be praying for. The things that we overlook or even find bothersome, tedious or frustrating would be considered a blessing and privilege to so many others.

What if, for today, we choose to focus gratefully on the ordinary, the mundane tasks, the unexciting aspects of our day. Taking time to imagine life without the many things that we may have previously take for granted … viewing them instead as extraordinary little blessings.

Print off the free gratitude journal sheet and take a few minutes to write down the ‘ordinary’ aspects of your life that you have to be grateful for. Look at every little thing with a renewed appreciation and gratitude. Along with the journal sheet is a free printable 4 x 6 sized copy of the quote for the day to keep as a reminder to focus on your day with an ‘attitude of gratitude’!

Going a Step Further:

What blessings could you offer to someone else who would be grateful for what you take for granted? Can you bless someone from your abundance? Donate to a food bank, purchase feminine hygiene supplies for a women’s shelter, buy a few groceries for a senior.

Even if you can’t offer a monetary blessing you can offer your time, a word of encouragement or a smile. It may be an ordinary gesture that someone would feel blessed to receive.

What if, for today, our prayer was this:

Lord, fill me with a grateful spirit… don’t let me dwell on what is lacking in my life but help me to focus on what I do have.

The very things that I take for granted and consider so ‘ordinary’ may be the very things that someone else is longing for and would consider a blessing in their life.

Let me go to sleep this night counting my blessings.


Searching for more inspiration? 

We offer 31 Days of Inspirations and Prayers in 5 different design options and two different formats.  There are printable quote cards and prayers of encouragement as well as printable journal sets.  These sets were created to provide encouragement and hope to anyone who is going through a time of change, loss or struggle.  You can access the full printable sets by clicking on any of the photos below.  

Each set contains 31 different inspirational quotes and prayers of encouragement.  You just need to choose the design and format that speaks to you

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And so it begins… Create. Encourage. Inspire.

Just BeCause Creations is a pandemic project… my positive focus during this uncertain time.

Creating this website has been on my “I have to do this” list for a long while. I often joked to friends that I needed a month or two of solitude to focus on getting the website up and running. I did some serious praying to God for the time to focus on it. Prayer answered in a most unexpected way.

Some people are tying to encourage others through this pandemic by suggesting that we are all in the same boat. Someone wisely corrected that, pointing out that we are all on the same ocean, but we are not all in the same boat.

There is no doubt in my mind that my boat trip is very different from that of others. My circumstances and personality have let me cope well with this situation … for the most part. While there is an incredible ache of missing time with family and close friends, there is an incredible sense of peace and contentment with this time at home to focus on a project that feeds my soul. I know that it is not so with everyone and perhaps this project will, in turn, be able to provide inspiration and encouragement to others. I truly hope so.

To begin, printable creations are being offered through the Just BeCause Shop. There are prints of hand drawn designs, monogram letters and inspirational quotes … all ready to be downloaded, printed and enjoyed by you!

Please browse through our online store… feel encourage through designs, colours and words…

Follow us on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook and check back often!! I have a head full of ideas and the need to create! 

