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To Spread Light …

Some days you’re the candle, some days you’re the mirror… but either way you can be a spreader of light.

If someone offers you a word or gesture of kindness, accept it!  If someone needs one, offer what you can. 

We know what we are going through, but we never really know what everyone else is going through.  Someone near and dear to you may be in need of uplifting… a stranger who crosses your path may be in need of a kind word, encouragement or simply, understanding.  


If we look outside of ourselves, if we look at our day from the perspective that ‘there are no coincidences’, then we can believe that everyone we interact with each day is there for a reason… however significant or however fleeting.  Perhaps we have connected so that we can encourage them… or perhaps it is for them to encourage us. Either way, we are both blessed in the process.  

There is a light inside of each of us… sometimes we shine so bright we light the way for others.  We draw those toward us like a beacon on a hill.  Other times our own light seems to flicker and grow dim, and we need the spark from someone else to brighten our spirits… to re-ignite us.    

Has someone been on your mind lately but you don’t know why?  Perhaps they need to be uplifted and encouraged.  Have you notice a co-worker who seems distance or detached?  A kind gesture may go a long way in giving them hope to get through whatever they are facing.  We don’t need to know what is weighing on them, we simply need to be obedient to the prompting to reach out.  

Are you in need of encouragement yourself?  Be open to receiving a smile from a stranger or a friend… search out quotes, stories, music, people and scripture that will uplift you.  Pray. Be kind to yourself. 

What if for today, our prayer was this:

Lord, when I can, I will be the candle… one who brightens someone’s day with a smile, a hug or words of encouragement.  And when I can’t do that Lord, help me instead to be the reflection of the light that someone shines on me… to accept the smile, the hug, the kindness and encouragement with a grateful spirit and a simple ‘thank you’… to store it up and pass it on when I feel able.


Download the free printable journal page with quote and prayer of encouragement. (There is also a second lined page included.) 

Write about an experience you had when someone brightened your day with a simple act of kindness… or when you were able to brighten the day for someone else.

What small acts of ‘light and kindness’ can you think of to do for someone else?  Be mindful as you go about your week of being the ‘candle or the mirror’! 



Searching for more inspiration? 

We offer 31 Days of Inspirations and Prayers in 5 different design options and two different formats.  There are printable quote cards and prayers of encouragement as well as printable journal sets.  These sets were created to provide encouragement and hope to anyone who is going through a time of change, loss or struggle.  You can access the full printable sets by clicking on any of the photos below.  

Each set contains 31 different inspirational quotes and prayers of encouragement.  You just need to choose the design and format that speaks to you.